Finding JUSTIN! Finding SOLACE!
Against Suicides for Individuals, Couples, & Families
By Robin Price-Boyd, M.A., HSC, QMHP-C
1-Served Raw Deal
offers a real opportunity for us (you and I) to seek out those who are contemplating suicide. Justin at 25 years of age resolved to take his life in his home. His battle with depression, isolation at times from loved ones and friends, feelings of hopelessness, low self-esteem, poor job security, and perhaps unhealthy relationships plagued his mind. Thinking, feeling and doing! Justin’s confession of taking matters into his own hand became a reality. Could this tragedy have been prevented? Could Justin have overcome his doom and gloom…and seemingly dark moment? Could Justin have been diagnosed, treated, and then rescued from himself? These are just some questions that come to mind. He, no doubt will be missed in this earthly realm. ~Our deepest sympathy to the family…loved ones, and friends.~
Suicide is something you never get over but you get through it one day at a time. There is no magic number for how many days one may mourn! By God’s grace; however, you try to see the bright side…the happy times, the cherished moments, the laughs, the hugs, and yes, even the trying times that strengthened the family. Prayers of comfort and encouragement go a long way while waiting to understand what happened. The choice to take ones’ own life is and always will be baffling.
2-Did You Know:
(1) That depression is a form of Mental illness!
(2) That suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for 24 – 35 year olds.
(3) That males make up 79% of all suicides with depression being the leading cause!
(4) That suicide is treatable and when properly diagnosed the victim can live life.
(5) That there are 6 recorded stories of suicide in the Bible. Care to know who the bible characters are? Care to know their motive for committing suicide?
(6) Suicide is nothing new under the sun.
3-Finding Justin
others who may be facing bouts of depression, feelings of hopelessness, conversations of giving up, withdrawn, feelings of anxiety, trapped or alone; are our priority and we seek to flush these precious souls out. How possible is it for the victim to surrender the last word? How possible is it for the victim to abort his or her faulty mindset? Served Raw Deal offers a strategic plan with real possibilities to discovering those contemplating suicide. Question, have you ever come in contact with someone who talked of committing suicide? Familiar with the direct or indirect statements used? Have you known of a family member, friend, classmate or anyone else who succeeded in committing this act? What impact did it have on you? How did you cope with the tragedy? Finally, are you aware of the suicide hotline for those contemplating suicide?
1. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death between 15 – 24 year olds
2. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for 24 – 35 year olds
3. Males make up 79% of all suicides
4. Suicides affects at least 6 other people
5. Suicides among Males are 3.5 to 4Xs higher than Females
6. It is reported that 1 person dies by suicide every 16.2 minutes
7. Firearms account for 50% of the method used to commit suicide
8. Depression is the leading cause of Suicides
a. When untreated
b. When not diagnosed
c. When ineffectively treated
9. Depression is a form of Mental Illness
10. Suicide starts in the mind, then emotions follow & ultimately the act is performed
What is the person’s conversation like?
1. Hopelessness
2. Anxious/agitated
3. Trapped
4. Alone
5. Tired
What is the person feeling?
1. Feelings of Hopelessness
2. Feeling anxious or agitated
3. Feeling Trapped
4. Feeling Alone
5. Feelings “no need to go on”
What is the person contemplating doing?
1. Is there an actual plan?
2. Is the plan feasible or irrational…what is being shared about that plan?
3. Does he/she withdraw & Isolate to execute that plan?
4. Suicide is real so please take this seriously at all times!
What is the person’s conversation like?
1. Hopelessness
2. Anxious/agitated
3. Trapped
4. Alone
5. Tired
What is the person feeling?
• Feelings of Hopelessness
• Feeling anxious or agitated
• Feeling Trapped
• Feeling Alone
• Feelings “no need to go on”
What is the person contemplating doing?
Is there an actual plan?
Is the plan feasible or irrational…what is being shared about that plan?
Does he/she withdraw & Isolate to execute that plan?
Suicide is real so please take this seriously at all times!